The US is not likely to come and crash the Guyana-Venezuela party

Dear Editor,

So the chatter is getting louder and louder about the U.S. swooping in like a superhero to save Guyana from Venezuela’s bullying tactics. This scenario only exists in the case of rapprochement. Therefore, let’s be real here for a second – let’s stop the wishful thinking and foolhardiness. Sure, tensions between Guyana and Venezuela are getting pretty heated, and everyone’s hoping Uncle Sam will come to the rescue. But let’s not forget a few key things.

First off, there’s this thing called national sovereignty. It’s a big deal in the world of international relations. Basically, it means countries don’t like other countries poking their noses where they don’t belong. So, unless the U.S. sees a direct threat to its own interests or security, they’re not likely to start sending in the troops. Then there’s the whole geopolitical mess. Venezuela’s got some serious clout in the region, thanks to its oil and historical influence. Messing with them could set off a chain reaction of chaos, from upending global energy markets to sparking full-on war. Not exactly the kind of party the U.S. wants to crash. And let’s not forget America’s track record with sticking its nose in other people’s business. It’s not exactly a shining example of good behaviour. Plus, the folks back home tend to get a bit cranky when their tax dollars are spent on wars that don’t directly benefit them.

So instead of Guyanese crossing their fingers and holding their breath for a military rescue, maybe they should be looking at other options. Such as implementing conscription to increase its military reserve, involve modern diplomacy tactics, including consistently seeking legal assistance from international tribunals, advocate persistently for more economic pressure by allies – heck, even continuing a good old-fashioned sit-down chat could do wonders. Let’s leave the heroics to the movies and focus on finding a solution rather than drinking the demagoguery kool aid of a white knight rescue.


Keith Bernard